Thursday, May 28, 2015

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Over the weekend we made a butt ton of fruity things like Sangria (yes, I am aware that it's alcoholic and that most raw foodists don't drink but I am not fully raw and I at most drink 6-8 drinks a year and its usually at some sort of holiday), chopped fruit like watermelon (seen here) and lots of juice like the cucumber-watermelon-lemon juice in my cute Teavana glass.

What we did was use our fruit in the sangria, used juice from a half a lemon, I then took the left over lemon (with rind) and juiced it in with the my juice.  Since we didn't keep the rind on the melon I took the rind without skin and juiced that (it is the most healthy part of the watermelon) and used an entire english cucumber.  All the pulp got composted.

In our community they have a separate compost pickup where it is taken to the dump and thrown into a compost pile where it is available for a substantially lower cost than Lowe's and Home Depot to put back to use into our gardens.  I love this and think every county should have this kind of program, I would much rather compost from something local that is essentially a living organism that was not harmed to put life-force and energy back into me.  It's just another beautiful way to spread love back into our gardens and the food we eat.

I'm keeping today short but I just wanted to say the little things (food-wise) that we chuck into the trash can could most likely be repurposed in other ways and then be composted.  Even if your community doesn't compost you can do it all your own with mini pails like this or you could petition your community to start up compost pile to benefit the county/community/local gardens and lawns.

Love & Light,


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